Informed aging and deliberate wellness for seniors are important goals of myPotential at Home. We believe aging well is achieved by taking a proactive approach to health and wellness. One of the ways we meet these important goals is by offering in-home wellness services—support and health care services that assist seniors in staying well. These services begin with a nurse coming to a client’s home and completing a thorough assessment of the person’s physical, social, environmental and psychological health. The nurse might identify, for example, that the client is having difficulty maintaining adequate nutrition, has a family history of memory impairment, or is at high risk for falling due to the home environment. Once these areas of need are identified, our clinicians discuss their findings with the client and his or her family. Together, they develop a comprehensive plan that effectively addresses these needs for prevention and education. Wellness services can include, but are not limited to, consultation with the client’s physicians, education, assisting the client with simple home safety modifications, and directing the client and family to helpful community resources. Maintaining optimum health and quality of life is most important, and myPotential at Home provides each client with the knowledge and support to do so.